New Season of ECFE Family Fun Begins on Feb. 16
All toddlers, preschoolers, and their families are invited to Follow the Yellow Brick Road to E.C.F.E. Family Fun at Lake of the Woods School. There will be Baking, Yoga, Swim, and Gym activities, and more.
Classes run every other Thursday, beginning Thursday, January 16, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. A $5, per family fee is requested per session attended.
Each Family class will provide planned activities along with a snack, and juice.
Gym nights, held in the far Multi-Purpose Gym, are scheduled for Jan 16th, Feb 27th, and April 24th.
Cooking nights, held in the Home-Ec room, are scheduled for Jan. 30th and May 8th.
Family Swim nights are planned for February 13th, and March 27th.
Yoga and Movie nights, held in the school media center, are planned for March 13th, and April 10th.
Children and families can participate at one, or all events, and there is no need to pre-register. If you have questions text Mrs. Jeni Krause, E.C.F.E Coordinator, at (218) 395-0328.
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