Williams City Council decides against supporting Shore Barrier Islands Erosion Investigation report

by Julie Bergman, Editor

The Williams City Council held a discussion on the Lake of the Woods Southern Shore Barrier Islands Erosion Investigation report presented to them at their February 10 regular meeting. 
The Council had been requested to offer their support for the report prepared for the International Joint Commission by AMI Consulting Engineers of Superior, Wisconsin. 
It investigates the erosion of the Lake of the Woods Southern Shore Barrier Islands, namely Pine and Curry Island, and Sable Islands, and also the peninsula forming Morris Point.  ​
The study, conducted in October 2023, involved data collection and numerical modeling to understand the erosion causes and potential solutions. ​ The report attributes the erosion to the construction of the Norman Dam in the late 1800s, which elevated water levels and increased sediment supply, forming new barrier islands. ​
However, the construction of hard structures along the southern shoreline disrupted sediment transport, preventing the islands from recovering from storm damage. ​ The report identifies extreme flow events during high water periods as major erosion contributors. ​ Several federal and state funding opportunities were identified for addressing the erosion issue. 
After much discussion, Council Member Jill Klicker made a motion to not set a letter of support for the study. The motion was seconded by Les Huerd and passed unanimously. 
In new business, the council discussed the City’s Liability Coverage and elected to maintain the "Does Not Waive" option for the City’s tort liability, a decision consistent with previous years. ​ 

There were no updates under old business regarding the Vault Toilets.

Committee reports included an update from the Parks, Streets, and Sewer Committee, noting that repaired pumps had been returned to the City Garage. There were no new updates from the Ordinance, Library, or Finance, Budget, and Personnel Committees.

The meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m. 

This report is written based on the unofficial minutes and the council agenda packet.